Townsville Bridge Club

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The Club offers lessons for bridge players ranging from Beginners, Improvers and Intermediate on topics designed for each level of experience.

1. BEGINNERS - commenced Tuesday 6th February and runs for six weeks. Session from 9.00 am to 11.00 am. Di Garside, Carol Blackman and Heather Colbert host sessions covering these topics: Introduction to Bridge; Language of Bidding - 5 Card Major with Fit; Responding to 1NT naturally; Responding to Opening Bids of One in a suit; Opener continues the Bidding; Responder's second bid.

2. CONSOLIDATION, SUPERVISED PLAY AND MENTORING Tuesday morning at 9am is reserved for Supervised Play which aims to CONSOLIDATE what players have learned and to provide further education and mentoring on various topics for IMPROVERS and INTERMEDIATE players. The sessions are also open to players who want to brush up on topics of interest to them.

IMPROVERS Fay Blower hosts sessions covering: Overcalls (Competitive Bidding); Strong Openings 2NT and 2C; Takeout Doubles (Competitive Bidding); Slam Bidding; Stayman over 1NT and 2NT; Weak 2 Openings; Transfers over 1NT; Pre-emptive Bidding 3,4 & 5 levels

INTERMEDIATE Di Garside, Devan Mitchell and Fay Blower co-ordinate a Roster of Experienced players who host sessions covering:

BIDDING: Opening in a Suit revisited; Reverse Bids; Major Suit Raises; Strong 2 Level Openings and Responses; Opening 1NT and Responses; (Stayman, Transfers) revisited; Opening Light; Jump Shifts; Losing Trick Count; Overcalls Revisited; Michaels Cuebid; Negative Doubles; Slam Workshops; Balancing; Invitation e.g. Roman Keycard; Redoubles; Competitive Bidding

PLAY TECHNIQUES - Making a Plan, Making More Tricks with Promotion, Making Tricks by Trumping, Making Tricks through length, Finesses, Discarding Losers and Combining Your Chances

BRIDGEMATE AND SCORING PRACTICE - Duplicate Bridge Scoring and Bridgemate practice