Townsville Bridge Club

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Pair 11 - Donna FITCH / Di GARSIDE
Place this match: 14, Percentage: 40.97%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON4S S7S11450850%  
Board 22: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON3D EAH9-110425%  
Board 32: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON3NT SJD7-100425%  
Board 42: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON2S SAC8110956%  
Board 52: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON4S W6D950850%  
Board 62: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON4H S9C114501275%  
Board 72: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON4H WJD12-680212%  
Board 82: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON3C W6S10-13016%  
Board 92: John TREDREA / Ian PATTERSON4D N8S8-1001169%  

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