Townsville Bridge Club

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Pair 13 - Dusk CARE / Jeanette McKENZIE
Place this match: 9, Percentage: 50%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 16: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO3NT N5C10-430212%  
Board 26: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO4S NAH82001594%  
Board 36: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO2S WAD6-200850%  
Board 46: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO3D S5S9-110319%  
Board 56: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO3NT NAD810016100%  
Board 66: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO3NT NJD8501169%  
Board 76: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO4S SAD11-65016%  
Board 86: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO2S WAD81101381%  
Board 96: Judy Hunt / Jackie SEGANFREDDO3NT N9C11-460319%  

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