Townsville Bridge Club

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Pair 17 - Jana ZRNO / Lynne WORLEY
Place this match: 17, Percentage: 33.33%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 101: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen2D WAC4-40000%  
Board 111: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen2H E7H8110425%  
Board 121: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen2H ETD6-100638%  
Board 131: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen4H NQD11-650531%  
Board 141: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen3S NQH9-1401062%  
Board 151: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen2C WAD6-100531%  
Board 161: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen5H WAS116501062%  
Board 171: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen4H EQD7-15016%  
Board 181: Beth Whebell / Geoff Allen4S N8D10-620744%  

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