Townsville Bridge Club

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Pair 10 - Peter Housden / Andree GALEANO
Place this match: 3, Percentage: 63.89%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 103: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY3H WAC91401488%  
Board 113: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY3NT W5H9400956%  
Board 123: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY2S SQH8-110425%  
Board 133: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY4H NJS10-6201275%  
Board 143: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY3S N9C10-170638%  
Board 153: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY2C WAD7-501169%  
Board 163: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY5H WAS126801594%  
Board 173: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY5D N8H10501488%  
Board 183: Phil Rains / Lesleigh ROONEY4S N8H10-620744%  

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