Townsville Bridge Club

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Pair 7 - Ann SMITH / Delma JOHNSON
Place this match: 12, Percentage: 44.44%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 195: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP5DX E4S9-50000%  
Board 205: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP5H NTS11-650638%  
Board 215: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP3S EAH8-50956%  
Board 225: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP2NT W2S81201169%  
Board 235: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP4S WAH106201275%  
Board 245: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP3D NQS12-170638%  
Board 255: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP4H SJD11-450212%  
Board 265: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP2H S4S62001488%  
Board 275: Maria CHIPPENDALE / Bill BISHOP5DX E9H10-100425%  

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