Townsville Bridge Club

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Team 7 - Rains
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Phil Rains
Felicity Horne
  Dusk Care
Coleen Evanson
  Delma Johnson
Audrey Ledbrook
  Helen Lovegrove
Garry Bolton
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 12: Care 2NT E750 2D S8-90   -40-1   -503-4  
Board 22: Care 3H E9-140 3S N7200   602   -70-24  
Board 32: Care 2NT N8120 1NT N8-120   00   801-1  
Board 42: Care 3NT W8100 3NT W8-100   00   -39010-10  
Board 52: Care 3NT W9-400 1NT W9150   -250-6   -180-6-1  
Board 62: Care 4S S10420 4S S10-420   00        
Board 72: Care 4SX S9-200 4H E10620   4209   -46064  
Board 82: Care 3H S7-100 3D S6150   502   -40-23  
Board 92: Care 4H W12-680 4NT E12690   100   -8104-3  
Board 102: Care 3NT W7200 3NT E10630   83013   -420125  
Board 112: Care 4S W11-450 4S W10420   -30-1   -4400-1  
Board 122: Care 3NT N10630 2C N11-150   48010   600110  
Total28  276 

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