Townsville Bridge Club

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Team 3 - Hobdell
    Home Table   Away Table     Pair Datums  
  Jan Manders
Pat Larsen
  Stephen Vigh
Marlies Maussen
  Danny Benedetto
Ann Barron
  Betty Hobdell
Ken Manders
Board No vs Team   Contract Result Score   Contract Result Score   Net Score Net Imps   Datum NS EW  
Board 15: Vigh 3NT W10-430 3NT E11460   301   -360-23  
Board 25: Vigh 3D E10-130 2NT W5-150   -280-7   -1300-7  
Board 35: Vigh 4S E10-620 4S E9-100   -720-12   -210-9-7  
Board 45: Vigh 4H N12680 3NT N10-630   502   65011  
Board 55: Vigh 4S E950 4S E9-50   00   -102-2  
Board 65: Vigh 3S S7-100 3S S9-140   -240-6   20-3-3  
Board 75: Vigh 4S S11650 4S S11-650   00   4206-6  
Board 85: Vigh 2C E750 2S W4-200   -150-4   90-1-3  
Board 95: Vigh 2S S10170 2S S10-170   00   220-22  
Board 105: Vigh 3NT N11660 4H N10-620   401   5104-3  
Board 115: Vigh 3H N9140 4H N8100   2406   -4052  
Board 125: Vigh 3C W6150 2S E6-100   502   503-2  
Total-17  4-25 

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