Townsville Bridge Club

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Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch VPs (click to show Imps)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A HOBDELL (2)18.5514.4616.638.0619.1016.42 121 93.225-0-13.39
2 A NORTH (4)18.255.5419.8010.819.5915.00 77 78.994-1-12.55
3 B FITCH (10)8.0613.8916.2011.9410.4116.63 54 77.134-1-12.06
4 A MORTON (1)4.268.4215.008.4214.7415.00 18 65.843-0-31.37
5 A TWYMAN (3)11.9410.0015.749.1914.183.58 12 64.633-1-21.25
6 A ELLIOTT (5)18.0913.283.374.2618.695.00 18 62.693-0-30.54
7 C SMITH (11)1.7515.003.8013.285.2619.69 1 58.783-0-30.54
8 C MORRIS (14)13.8912.630.2011.581.3115.74 -37 55.354-0-20.72
9 C SUMMERHAYES (13)8.0610.0016.2015.740.903.37 -26 54.272-1-30.45
10 B LEIGHTON (7)6.116.1114.4614.745.825.00 -22 52.242-0-40.36
11 B HUNT (6)11.947.374.266.721.7517.41 -34 49.452-0-40.36
12 B OVERELL (9)1.455.005.0019.3412.634.26 -35 47.682-0-40.36
13 B McKENZIE (8)15.746.723.805.267.372.59 -58 41.481-0-50.18
14 C GADSBY (12)1.9111.585.540.6618.250.31 -89 38.252-0-40.36
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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