Townsville Bridge Club

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Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to exclude names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A TWYMAN (4) Ched TWYMAN - Beth Whebell - John TREDREA - Phil RAINS 136 88.095-0-14.45
2 A ELLIOTT (5) Joan ELLIOTT - Margaret DOUSSET - Geoff ALLEN - Pat ALLEN 101 80.084-1-13.40
3 A HOBDELL (1) Betty HOBDELL - Ian PATTERSON - Jan SMITH - Leigh OWENS 87 78.953-1-22.51
4 A SHEEDY (2) Tex SHEEDY - Janelle CONROY - Noel BUGEIA - Val HOLBROOK 105 72.894-0-22.14
5 A LEIGHTON (3) Pat LEIGHTON - Robyn NOLAN - Lesleigh ROONEY - Pat LARSEN 57 69.203-0-30.84
6 C COLBERT (10) Heather COLBERT - Sam BISHOP - Ann Smith - Robyn GREEN -5 63.254-0-21.12
7 B CARE (6) Dusk CARE - Jeanette MCKENZIE - Delma JOHNSON - Helen LOVEGROVE -19 59.884-0-21.12
8 B FITCH (7) Donna FITCH - Di GARSIDE - Jackie SEGANFREDDO - Judy HUNT -6 58.363-0-30.84
9 B GALEANO (9) Andree GALEANO - Trudy LOW - Peter HOUSDEN - Mary OVERELL -41 49.922-0-40.56
10 B OTTO (8) Vivienne OTTO - Bernice MORTON - Toni BARRELL - Colleen EVANSON -106 37.601-0-50.28
11 C HORNE (12) Felicity Horne - Garry Bolton - Lyn Gadsby - Margaret Wilkinson -105 36.441-0-50.28
12 C MULD (11) Diane Marjorie Brown - Jana Zrno - Kenn Winter - Ray Muld -204 25.341-0-50.28
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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