Townsville Bridge Club

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Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A OWENS (6)57 33 -5 23 1 34  143 89.724-1-14.72
2 A SHEEDY (1)-1 18 25 16 -1 53  110 84.564-2-03.82
3 A HOBDELL (2)46 -33 -25 61 24 17  90 76.054-0-22.85
4 B FITCH (8)1 24 -4 33 15 -34  35 69.133-1-22.13
5 A RAINS (5)5 16 4 -23 -8 41  35 67.524-0-21.99
6 A OTTO (4)39 55 5 -16 -15 -17  51 66.533-0-30.84
7 C LAWLER (12)-5 -18 -14 29 40 4  36 66.183-0-30.84
8 B MILLER (7)-5 -24 38 8 -24 -4  -11 55.692-0-40.56
9 A ELLIOTT (3)19 -55 14 -8 8 -12  -34 55.633-0-30.84
10 B HOUSDEN (10)-19 6 18 -33 19 -53  -62 49.493-0-30.84
11 B COLBERT (9)-46 -5 -39 70 -19 12  -27 49.472-0-40.56
12 C TAPIOLAS (14)5 -16 -18 -70 -28 20  -107 40.852-0-40.56
13 C HUGHES (13)-57 5 -38 -29 28 -41  -132 34.722-0-40.56
14 C McKENZIE (11)-39 -6 39 -61 -40 -20  -127 34.461-0-50.28
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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