Townsville Bridge Club

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Monday Teams (September 2024)
Results after 11 of 11 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 A HOBDELL (1)189 163.059-0-23.63
2 A RAINS (4)139 149.798-1-22.89
3 A CARE (2)87 134.997-1-32.30
4 A HOUSDEN (7)37 118.325-1-51.61
5 A ROONEY (5)15 118.106-2-31.12
6 A MORTON (3)23 115.295-0-60.80
7 A ELLIOTT (8)-38 102.194-2-50.80
8 A BARRELL (9)-19 102.125-0-60.80
9 A ALLEN (6)-60 92.283-1-70.56
10 A STEPHENS (12)-83 87.333-2-60.64
11 A WILKINSON (11)-120 71.702-0-90.32
12 A BISHOP (10)-170 64.844-0-70.64
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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