Townsville Bridge Club

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GNOT Regional Final Northern (August 2024)
Results after 7 of 8 matchesMatch VPs (click to show Imps)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8   Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 A Bishop (1)17.4014.4612.90 20.0017.247.9916.18 153 106.176-0-12.88
2 A Leighton (4)17.7120.0015.99 16.187.3912.0116.73 162 106.016-0-12.88
3 A Tredrea (6)18.0017.7116.73 14.2212.6119.443.82 137 102.536-0-12.88
4 A Rains (7) 0.0011.0518.4116.55 -47 66.364-0-31.92
5 A Hobdell (3)2.005.5417.71 5.078.958.953.27 -66 51.491-0-60.48
6 A Vigh (5) 14.9312.901.599.29 -86 50.392-1-41.20
7 A Care (2)2.924.214.01 5.782.7611.0510.71 -109 41.441-1-50.72
8 A Garside (8)2.6015.792.29 3.827.100.563.45 -144 35.611-0-60.48
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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